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Détails sur
Shree Laptop Solutions
Réseaux actifs:
Expérience en réseau (années): 21
Appels de profil Trustami: 1339485
Identité en ligne:
Les pages Web:
La description: Shree Laptop Solutions est une entreprise qui propose des services dans les catégories computer_repair_service.
Mots clés: commentairesévaluationsShree Laptop SolutionsRavindra Kumar
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Trustami Top Rankings pour Shree Laptop Solutions
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Avis sur Shree Laptop Solutions
Réseaux actifs
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Nouveaux avis dans la période du 01.03.2024 à 01.01.2025
Extrait d'expériences avec Shree Laptop Solutions
Période de 10.03.2018 à 24.01.2025
| | 24.01.2025
""Excellent service! Shree Laptop Solutions replaced my laptop screen promptly and professionally. Highly recommended!" 5/5 stars"
| | 17.01.2025
"All services under one roof. Well behaved and efficient staff."
| | 06.01.2025
"Excellent laptop repairing service and hardware agency in nehru place Delhi.the owner of the agency is gentleman and friendly & commited person"
| | 11.12.2024
"Best laptop repair shop must visit."
| | 04.12.2024
"Fixed my Asus laptop screen problem by servicing with transparency"
| | 12.11.2024
"Trustworthy laptop repair service in nehru place delhi"
| | 15.10.2024
"Had a great experience with Shree Laptop Splutions.They replaced my laptop’s battery quickly and efficiently. Friendly staff and fair prices. Highly recommend!"
| | 08.09.2024
"I had a great experience with this shop; the owner is very kind and trustworthy. A few months ago, I bought a new laptop charger from him, and before selling it, he thoroughly explained all the issues to me and listened to my concerns with great patience. He’s not just focused on making money but genuinely cares about providing good service. Recently, I had an issue with my laptop, and once again, he patiently listened to everything and even"
| | 25.08.2024
"My laptop 💻 had issue with hinge. Mr. Ravinder observed the issue carefully and offered cost effective and reliable solution. I recommend Shree Laptop Solutions for anyone looking for reliable service."
| | 24.08.2024
"A reliable laptop repair shop in nehru place delhi. trustworthy and transparent.
While they repair your laptop, you may sit besides them and see your laptop getting repaired.
Give genuine advise and does not try to earn more money from customer. Really helpful and supportive person."