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Détails sur
The L.O.C. Tray LLC
Réseaux actifs:
Expérience en réseau (années): 5
Likes: 512
Follower: 1 150
Appels sur les réseaux sociaux: 7 815
Contributions: 270
Appels de profil Trustami: 9083
Identité en ligne:
Les pages Web:
La description: The L.O.C. Tray LLC est une entreprise qui propose des services dans les catégories beauty_product_supplier.
Mots clés: commentairesé
Dernières modifications de profil connues:
Trustami Top Rankings pour The L.O.C. Tray LLC
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Extrait d'expériences avec The L.O.C. Tray LLC
Période de 24.09.2021 à 09.09.2024
| | 09.09.2024
"I am very impressed with this product. The shipping was incredibly fast, and the product was fresh and made to order. It was delivered within a week. The results have been remarkable. In less than two months, my hair has grown over 3 inches. I can definitely see the difference, and my scalp feels much healthier now."
| | 05.08.2023
"I enjoy using this product because it doesn't leave a film on my hair. It doesn't lather but it does clean and leave my hair healthy."
| | 11.05.2023
"Great product. Helps hair loss. Thank you so much look forward to shopping with you again."
| | 13.01.2023
"Packaging was great. I haven't used the product long enough to review."
| | 12.11.2022
"Always fast fast service and products as usual! I'm satisfied every time!!!"
| | 03.11.2022
"Thank you!"
| | 30.04.2022
"very nice product would buy again"
| | 24.12.2021
"First the L.O.C Tray owner is AMAZING very professional. I got my order within a week of ordering, it came packaged beautifully, the shampoo and conditioner, moisturizer is phenomenal. I’m already seeing a difference on my one year hair. I’ll continue to order her products. Thank You L.O.C for making my family hair healthy again."
| | 10.11.2021
"I absolutely love and enjoy each product that I have purchased and so does my hair! My favorite so far it the loc food, my curls absolutely love it. You can tell by the beautiful packaging and ingredients that these product are made with great quality and care. The owner is kind, helpful and loving. She is very knowledgeable and has helped me so much as I have recently transitioned my hair. I definitely recommend!"
| | 28.10.2021
"These are extremly high grade all natural products. You wont get anything more purer than these. You will not be dissapointed if you are looking for the best for your Locs and Natural Hair 🧡🤎."