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Expérience en réseau (années): 8
Appels de profil Trustami: 1101
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La description: WHITECAPS PRODUCTS est une entreprise qui propose des services dans les catégories Hobby, Sammeln & Freizeitartikel et Sportartikel.
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Extrait d'expériences avec WHITECAPS PRODUCTS
Période de 12.10.2021 à 31.01.2025
| TP | Truffa?? | 31.01.2025
"Buongiorno, dopo 1 settimane dall' acquisto, non ricevo alcuna mail per il tracking o la spedizione, non trovo traccia del mio prodotto a parte la loro mail appena comprato, ed attualmente gli indirizzi mail forniti non funzionano e il loro sito non è più raggiungibile, compreso gli allegati alla mail con i moduli di ritorno prodotto, sembra molto una truffa. Mi hanno risposto su facebook con un messaggio automatico fornendo un'altro indirizzo"
| TP | After few weeks still no delivery | 26.01.2025
"After few weeks still no delivery, no reactions. Really a scam website!"
| TP | Aucune réponse: escroquerie? | 23.01.2025
"Bonjour, commande passée le 12/12/2024, avec un délai annoncé de 2 jours ouvrés. Toujours rien arrivé le 23/01/2025. La société ne répond ni aux emails, ni aux appels, aucun retour et mon compte a bien sûr été débité des 115 euros! Une escroquerie!"
| TP | Avoid this scam company! | 14.12.2024
"Ordered over 5 weeks ago with an estimated delivery time frame of 4-7 working days. I haven’t received my order and there hasn’t been any update whatsoever. They don’t respond at all even though I’ve sent multiple emails chasing it up. It’s clearly a scam company judging from all the other 1 star reviews, I wish I’d seen them before I ordered. I’ve contacted my credit card company for a refund."
| TP | no delivery | 08.12.2024
"no delivery, no refund, no answer , since more than 4 months!"
| TP | Vorsicht .Firma zockt die Kunden ab | 14.11.2024
"Firma zockt die Kunden ab. Man bestellt u. bezahlt aber Ware wird nicht geliefert. Per E- Mail keine Antwort , Anrufen nicht möglich. Echte Abzocke. "
| TP | they dont deliver but still keep your money | 06.11.2024
"paced an order for a skimboard at sept 14. And got an reaction the same day to send my phone number. All seemed good. But heard nothing since (7 1/2 weeks), no reaction on emails, not reachable at phonenumber.
claimed restitution of the order but no reaction.
So I paid 223 euro but they don't deliver. So don't order here till they got their sence back.
My next step will be legal claim."
| TP | no delivery | 24.10.2024
"no delivery, no refund, no answer , since more than 2 months "
| TP | Shop kassiert Geld aber liefert die… | 24.10.2024
"Shop kassiert Geld aber liefert die Ware nicht"
| TP | Placed an order a month ago - nothing since | 07.10.2024
"Placed an order a month ago. I received a confirmation email but nothing since. No replies to emails and the phone number is either not recognised or nobody answers.
Definitely one to avoid until they - hopefully - get their act together.
To Whitecapsproducts - a basic response is all that is required - even if that is to say there has been a delay for whatever reason. Simply not communicating is terrible customer service and marks an"