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Expérience en réseau (années): 4
Appels de profil Trustami: 47224
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La description: WinKeys est une entreprise qui propose des services dans les catégories Softwarehändler. WinKeys est représenté sur Trustpilot et
Mots clés: commentairesévaluations
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Trustami Top Rankings pour WinKeys
Expérience en ligne
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Extrait d'expériences avec WinKeys
Période de 20.07.2021 à 02.12.2024
| TP | Keys OK and any issues they re-new within 30 mins if issues or refund option | 02.12.2024
"Keys OK and any issues they re-new within 30 mins if issues or refund option .. so all good"
| TP | Follow their instructions if the code was reused by somebody else | 20.11.2024
"Follow the instructions in their PDF information sheets, as it resolves the issues that might arise if the code has been allocated to somebody else between the time you bought it and when you installed it. I ended up calling a 1800 number, and it worked. I've updated this review from 1 star to 4 stars (4 because of the mild inconvenience and initial disappointment).
At first Windows accepted the code, but after setting up network drivers, it said"
| TP | Chiave funzionante | 07.11.2024
"Ho comprato una chaive windows 11 pro retail ed ha subito funzionato l'attivazione. non sapendo se fidarmi o no ho utilizzato un account temporaneo di paypal per il pagamento, cosa che consiglio di fare a tutti coloro che comprano su siti che non hanno mai utilizzato prima. comunque la chiave ha funzionato senza problemi"
| TP | Purchased an activation key for Windows 10 Pro 1 PC [RETAIL] | 03.11.2024
"Purchased an activation key from WinKeys
( for Windows 10 Pro 1 PC [RETAIL] and tried to activate my computer OS. Windows activation failed !! Is WinKeys selling invalid activation keys? Can I have my money back?
UPDATE contrary to what WinKeys is saying in this thread, I did send them screen shots of the WIndows 10 Pro installed and the Microsoft activation key error which was 0xc004c060.
I asked for my money back. Here is"
Commentez la note Trustpilot: "UPDATE: After sending this reply, we have not received any communication from you seeking assistance. It appears you may be downplaying our company's efforts, and you are aware that you purchased a key for a version you do not have installed. We clearly state on our website that the keys are not intended for upgrading from one version to another; they are solely for activating the software.
| TP | Excelente servicio | 21.10.2024
"Excelente servicio "
| TP | Rude and unhelpful. | 12.10.2024
"Rude and unhelpful."
| TP | Safe | 16.09.2024
"Safe, reliable, original, working smoothly. WinKeys is my favorite site to buy licenses for myself, family and friends."
| TP | Windows 10 pro key | 16.08.2024
"Great price, Reliable, got an email and got windows activated within 10 minutes!
I will be recommending winkeys to friends and family you guy’s have done great!"
| TP | Excellent | 21.07.2024
"Excellent. Works as expected. Quick delivery."
| TP | Request assistance for problem | 09.07.2024
"Request assistance for problem. Chatted with support which take forever to respond."