
FAQ – Wie ändere ich mein Profil- oder Coverphoto?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Schritt für Schritt: 1. Loggen Sie sich in Ihren Trustami Account ein. 2. Klicken Sie im Menü auf der linken Seite auf den Reiter "Profil". 3. Klicken Sie auf den kleinen Stift in dem runden Bild um es zu ändern. 4. Klicken Sie auf den Stift im Coverphoto um ein vorgefertigtes Bild auszuwählen. Zurück zur Übersicht Tipps zum Profil- und Coverbild Wenn Sie mit den vorhandenen Profil- oder Coverbildern unzufrieden...
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FAQ – A deleted review is still visible on my profile. How to change that?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "Profile" on the left side of the page . 3. Scroll down to the area which is titled "Ratings". 4. Click on "Show details" and look for the review you want to be updated. 5. Click the circle with the exclamation mark to request an update of this review. Back to overview Hover mouse over image to play animation....
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FAQ – The badge is too big on mobile phones. What can I do?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "Profile" on the left side of the page . 3. Click on the button with the title "Trust badge configuration". 4. Check if you have the "Trust badge overlay" activated. 5. Click on "Customize". 6. Insert a higher value in the field with the title "Minimal pixel with in pixel". 7. Click the floppy-disk icon to save. Back to...
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FAQ – How can I comment a review on my profile?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "profile" on the left side of the page . 3. Scroll down to the area which is titled "Ratings". 4. Look for the review you want to comment on. 5. Click on "Comment review on Trustami". 6. Write your comment and click on "Save". Back to overview Hover mouse over image to play animation. Hints for commentary on reviews...
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FAQ – How to add a new network to my profile?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "Networks" on the left side of the page . 3. Choose the platform you want to add to your profile and put in the link to your profile on this platform. If the network is not listed, use the input field above the platform options to request a Lightning network addition. 4. Click on "Add Network" 4. Put your...
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FAQ – Questions and Answers about Trustami

Von | FAQ, Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
How do I change the descripton of my profile? How to change the name shown in my profile? Where can I add new networks to my profile? I want to hide the review texts. How? I want to comment on a review in my profile. Is that possible? A review that is already deleted on the source platform is still visible in my profile. Why? Where can I insert the...
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FAQ – How can I change the name shown in my profile?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "Profile" on the left side of the page . 3. Scroll to the input field with the title "Customize profile". 4. Put the name in the field with the pencil and click on "Save". 5. Scroll back up and choose the name from the blue drop-down menu. Back to overview Hover mouse over image to play animation.
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FAQ – Where can I insert the back link to my website?

Von | Tutorial | Keine Kommentare
Step by step: 1. Log into your Trustami Account 2. Click "Profile" on the left side of the page . 3. Insert the link in the field with the title "Website-Link". Back to overview Hover mouse over image to play animation. What is a back link? The link to your website which is in your public profile is not only a useful shortcut for customers to reach your homepage from...
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