Update privacy policy now
The General Data Protection Regulation will be obligatory for all companies from 25.05.2018. Add the relevant text for your Trustami badge to your privacy policy.
Copy the text (template) into your privacy policy:
In order to to display our collected reviews and social media feedback, the Trustami badge is incorporated into this web page. In considering our interests, this serves to realize an optimised marketing of our website and products according to art. 6 (1) 1 lit. f GDPR. Whenever a Trustami badge is displayed, the web server automatically stores a server log file (access data) which contains, the name of the visited website, the file, date and time of display, your reduced IP address, the transmitted data volume, the status of your request, the browser type, the operating system of the user, the referring URL (from the previous webpage) and the requesting provider. This access data will not be evaluated and will be automatically overwritten seven days after your visit to the page. The Trustami badge and connected services advertised are an offer of Trustami GmbH, Bamberger Straße 40, 10779 Berlin. For the processing of the data collected by Trustami, the privacy policy of Trustami is valid (www.trustami.com/datenschutz).
Contract on data processing
With the start of the GDPR Trustami will offer paying customers the option to conclude a contract on data processing.
The draft offered by Tustami will comply with legal provisions and will be provided if requested. Please understand that this will be a standard contract, which will consider the interests of our customers to an appropriate degree, but can not consider every individual requirement.
Choose your trust badges and try them - no commitment or contract is required