Step by step:
1. Log into your Trustami Account
2. Click „Profile“ on the left side of the page .
3. Click on the button with the title „Trust badge configuration“.
4. Check if you have the „Trust badge overlay“ activated.
5. Click on „Customize“.
6. Insert a higher value in the field with the title „Minimal pixel with in pixel“.
7. Click the floppy-disk icon to save.
Hover mouse over image to play animation.
Information about the mobile version of the trust badge
Our overlay badge automaticly changes to a mobile version as soon the depicting devices resolution comes below a certain value. This way it should be prevented that the badge is taking in too much space of the screen.
It can happen though, that mobile devices use a screen with a higher resolution. Then the badge does not change to the smaller version. You can change that by increasing the pixel threshhold manually.