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Trustami es un proveedor de servicios independiente para la visualización de opiniones externas. Trustami importa calificaciones de clientes de plataformas de terceros. Desafortunadamente, no podemos verificar la autenticidad de todas las reseñas que recopilamos automáticamente. Por lo tanto, en el caso de calificaciones importadas, Trustami no puede garantizar que estas calificaciones provengan exclusivamente de consumidores que realmente hayan utilizado o comprado los bienes o servicios.
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descripción: Desde October 2021 87 se han recopilado valoraciones y comentarios.
Características y términos: críticasexperiencia
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Periodo de 21/12/2021 Hasta que 04/09/2024
| TP | Good experience with site and support | 04/09/2024
"Very good experience :)"
| TP | asking for selfie with id after paying… | 01/09/2024
"asking for selfie with id after paying for a game"
| TP | This keyshop is great | 23/08/2024
"This keyshop is great. Cheap prices, great selection. Only problem is card payment is broken, so have to use PayPal, which has a small fee .
I bought a key of 95gameshop a month ago, so far so good.
I booked through allkeyshop, there are discounts on there"
| TP | Sending a sketchy website an image of my passport??? No thanks. | 23/08/2024
"Bought a Minecraft Java activation key using PayPal and received an email saying something went wrong and I'd have to provide an image of my passport or cancel the order. I cancelled the order and had to pay the service fee. Cost me around ~2€.
I offered you my hand and you spat on it, 95gameshop.
Don't buy off this sketchy website! Just pay a few more Euros/Dollars to a key website you know well. Trust me, it's worth it."
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "Really sorry for the bad experience here. We started our investigation and we will find an appropriate solution for the customer."
| TP | Confiança | 19/08/2024
"Preço, rapidez, honestidade, excelente serviço pós venda inspirou confiança. A primeira experiência não podia ter corrido melhor. Obrigado."
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "Thank you! We are trying to do our best to provide best prices on the market to our customers."
| TP | Bought minecraft never recived the key and then never recieved the refund | 08/08/2024
"Don't buy from this website I can't believe I fell for it
The website should stop listing items that don't exist and lack of clear communication makes you think that you will get your product that you bought but in reality it feels like they are stalling so you can't back charge from your bank account "
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "We are really sorry about this bad experience. The customers should not feel like that. We have requested the information about this review and will try to understand what's went wrong since we have no idea what is "listing items that don't exist"."
| TP | Great deals on game keys. | 04/08/2024
"Great deals on game keys."
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "Thank you! We are trying to do our best to provide best prices on the market to our customers. "
| TP | Unable to Order ANYTHING | 04/08/2024
"Every time I try to order something, they ask to verify my phone number, wouldn't mind if I actually get the option to type the code they sent to my phone but I DON'T... Website is clearly bugged since it is from the shopify store. Will edit review if this is fixed."
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "We are really that you have such a bad experience with our store. It should not be like this. The issue was fixed. "
| TP | the key says its global, but its not | 03/08/2024
"the key says its global, but its not
UPDATE: I contacted the people of 95gamesshop and they responded quickly and refunded me
I wish them the best"
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "We are really that you have such a bad experience with our store. It should not be like this. The order here was refunded. "
| TP | Best prices and instant delivery | 01/08/2024
"Best prices and instant delivery !
Quick and easy."
Comenta la calificación Trustpilot: "Thank you! We are trying to do our best to provide best prices on the market to our customers."