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Redes activas:
Experiencia en redes (años): 7
Llamadas de perfil de Trustami: 1110
Identidad online:
descripción: es una empresa que ofrece artículos y servicios en las categorías travel_agency.
Características y términos: crí
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Periodo de 03/12/2024 Hasta que 15/12/2024
| SA | 15/12/2024
"Sam persevered and found excellent flights (and prices) for our trip to Dublin. I strongly recommend CheapBizClass."
| SA | 14/12/2024
"I was able to work with Sam on our upcoming vacation in Italy. The process was very easy and he gave us ideas to make the flight more comfortable. We are traveling with 2 young children and I thought it would be best to break up the flight with 2 stops, however, he said that he has traveled with his 2 small children and the long flight is actually better for them. They can sleep, and in addition, just making 1 stop does actually shorten the"
| SA | 13/12/2024
"Sam was great and easy to work with. He was quick to fulfill my request and answered all my questions quickly. I hope to do more business with Sam in the future."
| SA | 04/12/2024
"Alex Kasmin helped me book flights to Italy. This is the second time I have worked with Alex. He is kind and patient and works hard to get you the best deal possible. I have referred my family and friends to him. You will not regret asking Alex for help!"
| SA | 03/12/2024
"I have nothing but compliments about the service provided by business class experts. They are honest and provide excellent service with the best possible pricing."