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Experience on networks (years): 9
Likes: 4,606
Followers: 6,181
Social Media Views: 661,171
Trustami profile visits: 2806
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Description: Since Jan 2016 218 ratings, reviews and feedbacks have already been collected.
Keywords: reviewsratingsEmporiodiAntonio
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Reviews for EmporiodiAntonio
Active networks
1,270 Followers | 661,171 Views
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New reviews during period from 01.02.2024 till 01.01.2025
Abstract of experiences with EmporiodiAntonio
Period from 2020-01-11 till 2024-12-15
| | 2024-12-15
"Venditore top 🔝"
| | 2024-12-07
"Ok +++"
| | 2024-11-01
"venditore molto serio, ha fornito assistenza adeguata"
| | 2024-10-29
| | 2024-09-03
"perfetto, usato su Zhalt portatile."
| | 2024-08-11
"Ottimo prodotto"
| | 2024-07-09
"Tutto perfetto"
| | 2024-05-22
| | 2024-05-07
"Ottima alternativa alle tradizionali manopole che si trovano montate sui più comuni decespugliatori"
| | 2024-04-13
"Buon prodotto, funziona"