Reviews and Experiences for Beate Baberske

Company logo of Beate Baberske

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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.

Information about
Beate Baberske

Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 11
Likes: 276
Followers: 302
Trustami profile visits: 1001

Online identity:

Pixel art for the modern world.

Beate Baberske creates unique, hand-woven pixel art that puts digital art in a new light. From pixels, the building blocks of the digital world, unique one-of-a-kind pieces are created that can be used as wall decor, kitchen window decoration or acoustic improvement in meeting rooms. Let yourself be inspired by the variety of possibilities and order your individual pixel picture!
Keywords: reviewsratingsBeate Baberske

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Online Experience
Social Influencer

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Active networks

Abstract of experiences with Beate Baberske