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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.
Information about
Burkhardt GmbH
Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 24
Likes: 88,048
Followers: 90,864
Posts: 1970
Trustami profile visits: 17344001
Online identity:
Description: Since May 2001 10299 ratings, reviews and feedbacks have already been collected.
Keywords: reviewsratingsBurkhardt GmbH
Last known profile changes:
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Reviews for Burkhardt GmbH
Active networks
Of the last 200 ratings, 0.5% were recorded as buyers and 99.5% as sellers. |
3,748 Followers | 1,970 Posts
Inactive networks
New reviews during period from 01.02.2024 till 01.01.2025
Abstract of experiences with Burkhardt GmbH
Period from 2023-03-03 till 2024-10-18
| | 2024-10-18
| | 2024-07-01
"alles ok"
| | 2024-06-26
"Ware wie besprochen, Lieferung super schnell. Guter Preis."
| | 2024-06-18
"Liefertermin wurde eingehalten, Artikel wie beschrieben, Alles ok."
| | 2024-06-11
"schnelle Reaktion trotz Rücksendung wegen Grössenänderung"
| | 2024-05-10
"Sehr kulant bei einem Umtausch eines Artikels."
| | 2024-04-21
"Alles gut, schnelle Lieferung, schönes Produkt, unkomplizierte Retoure!"
| | 2024-04-17
"Guter Preis, schneller Gratisversand!"
| | 2024-04-10
"Schnelle Lieferung - gute Abwicklung"
| | 2024-04-09
"Schnelle Lieferung. Ware sah genauso aus wie auf der Heimseite!"