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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.
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Information about
Jürgens Shop
Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 20
Followers: 1,598
Posts: 138
Trustami profile visits: 735945
Online identity:
Description: Jürgens Shop is a company that offers services in the categories tool_store.
Keywords: reviewsratingsJürgens Shop
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Reviews for Jürgens Shop
Active networks
198 Followers | 138 Posts
Inactive networks
New reviews during period from 01.01.2024 till 01.12.2024
Abstract of experiences with Jürgens Shop
Period from Over a year ago till 2024-12-02
| | 2024-12-02
"Alles top."
| | 2024-11-29
"Schneller Versand, alles bestens, gerne wieder!"
| | 2024-11-25
"Alles bestens, gerne wieder."
| | 2024-11-24
"schnell günstig gut"
| | 2024-11-14
"Conforme à la description"
| | 2024-10-15
"alles top"
| | 2024-10-05
"Rasche Lieferung, gute Verpackung. Reduzierring wie angeboten, passgenau."
| | 2024-09-23
"Alles gut gelaufen MrSpock sagt Danke"
| | 2024-09-17
"Ware wie beschrieben"
| | 2024-09-12
"Guter Preis für dieses sofort erprobte Schneideisen. 10mm Rundstahl 11SMN30 ohne Reduktion des Durchmessers auf die eigentlich notwendigen 9,85mm direkt geschnitten erforderte etwas Kraft, aber klappte problemlos."