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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.
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Experience on networks (years): 26
Likes: 3,828
Followers: 13,625
Social Media Views: 6,009
Posts: 3241
Trustami profile visits: 13129120
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Description: is a company that offers services in the categories sporting_goods_store, Sport & Outdoor, Mode & Accessoires, Baby & Kind , Medien,
Keywords: reviewsratingsS.B.J - Sportland. de
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Active networks
Of the last 200 ratings, 1.5% were recorded as buyers and 98.5% as sellers. | |
Item as described | |
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176 Followers | 1,250 Posts
15 Followers | 6,009 Views
9,363 Followers | 1,991 Posts
Of the last 200 ratings, 0% were recorded as buyers and 100.0% as sellers. |
Inactive networks
New reviews during period from 01.02.2024 till 01.12.2024
Abstract of experiences with
Period from 2024-03-06 till Last 4 weeks
| | Last 4 weeks | as a seller
"gute Qualität,schnelle Lieferung"
| | 2024-12-25
"Sehr zufrieden!😃👍"
| | 2024-12-25
"Schneller Versand, alles bestens, gern wieder!"
| | 2024-12-25
"Super schnelle Lieferung und mein Enkelkind ist von dem Material und überhaupt von dem Judoanzug begeistert. "
| | 2024-12-25 | as a seller
"Super, vielen Dank. "
| | 2024-12-25
"Sehr gute Qualität und prompte Lieferung"
| | Last 4 weeks | as a seller
"Schnelle Lieferung, alles ok"
| | Last 4 weeks | as a seller
"TOP-eBayer! Vielen Dank sagt hofi3"
| | 2024-12-23
"Falsche Größe wurde geliefert. Ich habe den Verkäufer angeschrieben und habe bis heute einen Monat später noch keine Antwort. Wenn man anruft geht keiner ran. Nie wieder."
| | 2024-12-21
"Umtausch unproblematisch, Qualität sehr ,gut ich empfehle diesen Verkäufer herzlich."