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Information about
Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 14
Likes: 801
Followers: 277
Posts: 153
Trustami profile visits: 230384
Online identity:
Description: is a company that offers services in the categories Alle Produkte, Kinderwagenbezüge, Gurtpolster , Bügelbezüge, Babyschalenbezüge, Gurtpolster für Babyschale, Fußsäcke, Sonnensegel, Kinderwagenmuffs, Taschen, Schiebegriffbezüge, Kinderwagendecken, Utensilo, Schrittgurte, Kosmetiktaschen, Babydecken and SALE -15%. is represented on, Ebay,, Instagram, Etsy and
Keywords: is a company that offers services in the categories Alle ProdukteKinderwagenbezügeGurtpolsterBügelbezügeBabyschalenbezügeGurtpolster für BabyschaleFußsäckeSonnensegelKinderwagenmuffsTaschenSchiebegriffbezügeKinderwagendeckenUtensiloSchrittgurteKosmetiktaschenBabydecken and SALE -15%. is represented on DaWanda.deEbayHood.deInstagramEtsy and
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Reviews for BuggyTextil
Active networks
Of the last 200 ratings, 4.5% were recorded as buyers and 95.5% as sellers. |
Inactive networks
53 Followers | 153 Posts
New reviews during period from 01.02.2024 till 01.01.2025
Abstract of experiences with BuggyTextil
Period from Over a year ago till 2024-12-31
| | 2024-12-31
"Absolutely gorgeous and the communication from the seller was top rate. Couldn't be happier woth my purchase"
| | 2024-12-29
"Great quality, exactly as advertised."
| | 2024-12-28
"Alles war super und unkompliziert"
| | 2024-12-21
"So amazing!! The covers were beautiful, well made, and customized with the patterns and materials (all cotton, no poly-materials) I asked for. In the mail right when we discussed, and the price was very reasonable. I am absolutely going to recommend to anyone who needs it (or might want it)!"
| | 2024-12-14
"Toller Fußsack, rutscht nur etwas bei uns."
| | 2024-12-11
"Der Fußsack passt super in den Mountain Buggy Duett. Das Softshellmaterial hält auch mal ein bissl Regen ab.
Für den Innenstoff würde ich nächstes mal allerdings einen dunklen wählen (Schmutzresistenter)."
| | 2024-12-07
"Super lieb und war alles bestens!! Gerne wieder!"
| | 2024-12-04
"Sehr schönes Produkt! Ich bin sehr zufrieden."
| | 2024-11-28
"Sehr zufrieden, individuelle Anfertigung wie gewünscht, vielen Dank!"
| | 2024-11-27
"Well made item, extremely helpful and responsive seller. Very happy."