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Trustami is an independent service provider for the display of external reviews. Trustami imports customer ratings from third-party platforms. Unfortunately, we cannot verify the authenticity of all the reviews that we collect automatically. Therefore, in case of imported ratings, Trustami cannot ensure that these ratings come exclusively from consumers who have actually used or purchased the goods or services.
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Information about
Active networks:
Experience on networks (years): 17
Followers: 2,159
Trustami profile visits: 74228498
Online identity:
Description: is a company that offers services in the categories Computer, Unterhaltungselektronik & Zubehör, Haushaltswaren & Haushaltsgeräte, Musik & Film,
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Reviews for
Active networks
Of the last 200 ratings, 0% were recorded as buyers and 100.0% as sellers. |
Inactive networks
Of the last 200 ratings, 0% were recorded as buyers and 100.0% as sellers. |
New reviews during period from 01.01.2024 till 01.12.2024
Abstract of experiences with
Period from 2023-06-01 till 2024-12-20
| TP | Pire magasin de vente en ligne. A déconseiller | 2024-12-20
"Pire magasin de vente en ligne. Première fois que je commande chez eux et ce sera la dernière. Une commande de plus de 100 euros. Reçu la commande abîmée et pas moyen de trouver une solution de leur part. Bande d'incompétent !!!! "
| | 2024-12-18
"Gute Qualität und zuverlässig!
Immer wieder gerne ☺️"
| | 2024-12-15
"alles bestens, schnelle Lieferung"
| TP | Great to have always a complete… | 2024-12-13
"Great to have always a complete understanding, even when it go not well right at the moment. "
| TP | Esta empresa son estafadores.. | 2024-12-01
"Esta empresa son estafadores... todo lo que ponen de productos en su pagina, no lo tienen en el almacen. Cobran su dinero y al mismo momento piden esta cosa en la china a su direccion... y tarda para llegar mas que 2 semanas... les mandan al correo electronico un mensaje que sus tranportistas informan por un retraso que affecta a todo el mundo pero es una mentira... No comprais nada en esta pagina. Atencion al cliente no hacen nada solo le"
| | 2024-11-28
"Vielen Dank! Perfekt!"
| TP | Beware of Scam... | 2024-11-25
"Platte war als auf Lager und mit lieferzeit von 2-5 Tagen aufgelistet - nach mehr als zwei Wochen immer noch nicht geliefert oder dispatched - dann Auskunft vom Suopport , dass sie angeblich bestellt wird - inzwischen mit Lieferzeit 12-15 Tagen gelistet - ein totales Chaos ! Kein serioeses Unternehmen - canceln ist auch nur ueber Helpdesk moeglich und wurde bislang nicht bestaetigt ! Scam..."
| TP | Do not even think about buying if you're in the UK | 2024-11-24
"If you live in the UK, do not even think about ordering from here.
All their products are listed with "Delivery to GB in 3-7 working days".
It's a scam plain and simple. I ordered on the 8th November. My order sat on "processing" for 12 days.
I emailed multiple times explaining that I've ordered other products that rely on this one, and their return windows are running out, do I need to cancel?
They informed me that "there was a problem with"
| | 2024-11-22
"War alles Top. Die Platte ist gut Verpackt angekommen."
| | 2024-11-22
"Schnelle Lieferung und Antwort"